Government Street Collaborative

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Version 3 of Zoning Unified Development Code Released



The new Zoning Code, in development for about 3 years, is called the Unified Development Code or UDC. A Version 3 edition was released on May 28 for a 30 day public input period.  All LHDNO residents are encouraged to become familiar with the new code,  since it will determine commercial and residential zoning and development for decades into the future.

To see the new code:

Visit Select Unified Development Code (blue bar)

To see video of summaries or the Code articles:  Select the View Recorded UDC Meeting and Slides (green bar).  Once on that page, you can select to see the slide summary or see the actual text of the articles.

To leave your feedback: Select Feedback icon; Scroll down to the bottom to leave your comments.

These resident concerns have been voiced. Use any of these, or others, in your feedback. (Citizen commentary; not a legal interpretation.)

The percentage of  minimum required landscaping of commercial property east of I-65 has been dramatically reduced from current (12% of lot to 5% or less in some cases.)

The new UDC does not adequately incentivize the use of alternative or permeable surfacing, a concern for flood run-off and heat zones in our subtropical climate.  The result can be a growing concrete jungle in midtown.

Density/occupancy standards for multi-family development have been increased (more units per acre are allowed than currently) and need to be reduced with an occupancy ceiling for unrelated adults populating any property (sq. footage/per person,bath/private bedroom facilities per person, etc) to insure safe and healthy living conditions and protection of area infrastructure. 

The B2 business zone continues to be too broad, and some intense B2 uses that are NOT appropriate for adjacency to residential are allowed “By Right” — meaning NO public notice is posted and NO public input allowed (examples:  Bars, lounges, night clubs, convenience stores w/ gas and beer sales, private liquor stores, car washes.)

The Table of Allowed Uses has been reduced, leaving a large number of potential uses UNidentified, and all unidentified uses are decided internally by Planning Division leadership without public notice or input.  The public can appeal decisions, but without a public notice procedure in place, no one will know about the decision in order to appeal.

The best part of the UDC for neighborhoods is a requirement for developers to hold a pre-development Neighborhood Meeting to present their plans to area residents and seek resident input.  These meetings will be required - if the  final version retains this - for all  zoning changes (B1 to B2), conditional uses going to City Council for approval, and Planned Development.  Other types of development will exempt the meeting (Special Exception development). Be sure to give feedback to keep the Neighborhood Meetings!